St.Mary’s Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church

Waterford Ireland

Sunday School

Train up a child in the way he should go; Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs – 22:6

“Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”

A Sunday school is an institution designed to teach people, usually children, about Christianity. Even though we are away from our native place, it is our responsibility to show up and train up children according to our own believes and traditions. Examples and wise guidance by parents and teachers are very important to grow a child in the knowledge of God from the tender age .

Our Sunday school started in the year 2009. The classes are conducted on every Sunday after the holy Qurbana in the church.We have 45 students in 9 different classes. 16 teachers are presently devoted in preaching the word of God, preparing them to grow as true Christians.

Our Sunday school follows Malankara Jacobite Syrian Sunday school Association (MJSSA) syllabus and curriculum.Annual examination, Baalakalolsavam and Jacobite Syrian Vacation Bible School (JSVBS) is conducted every year.